Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Confessions of a Political Junkie

So I have an indefinite amount of time off with school just ending and me not having a full-time job for the first time in a long time, so I've been catching up on things I don't do when I'm busy: cleaning my suite, making food that takes longer than 5 minutes to prepare, downloading Hed Kandi albums I haven't had a chance to listen to, and going through my computer to free up some space.

And while I was accomplishing that last task, I stumbled upon a gem from a few years ago; a game I actually BOUGHT online. I know, I was a little scared myself. The game was The Political Machine a follow-up to Stardock's game The Corporate Machine which was about building your company into a giant Microsoft-esque empire.

Now, I know both of these games are inherently geeky, and not in a World of Warcraft sort of way either; it's the sort of geeky that geeks find geeky. Actual business or politics majors don't spend much time playing video games and real geeks want graphics, not political strategy.

But for me, this is just the sort of thing that keeps me entertained. While the "edu-tainment" environment isn't exactly my favourite, deciding which states my candidate should visit and target, what ads I should run where and what the best form of smear campaign I can use is right up my alley. I was hooked by politics in grade 10 during the 2000 US Presidential campaign (Canadian prime minister campaigns are fairly boring and we had the same government for about 14 years, so there was a little bit of apathy there; not enough to not vote, but enough to not become involved) and decided I wanted to be a politics major. While that didn't quite pan out, (took 2 years at university, but dumped it for the far more glamorous world of television) I still pay a lot of attention to American politics.

So I played the two year old Political Machine for the first time in a long time for a few hours and bombed pretty badly, losing to, of all people, Arnold Schwarzenegger. I couldn't capture Pennsylvania or Florida and was ruined as a result. Plus, the Governator's from California, and that auto wins that state pretty much, and that's a big chunk of normal democratic pie.

So yeah, I geeked out hard on a Tuesday night and lost the presidency to the Terminator.

I also watched House (excellent episode, first I've watched in a long time on account of it being on opposite Veronica Mars) and the last 15 minutes of American Idol. It's the only Idol I watched all year. I think you should vote Taylor, because although he looks hideously old, he can sing pretty well. Of course, I don't listen to mainstream radio, so I don't really care who you vote for.

Oh, and I watched the 2nd half of last year's CSI directed by Tarantino, and I cried a little again. It's the Poncho line; it gets me every time. Damn you CTV for re-running my favourite CSI episode again.

I'll post tomorrow with some new music picks, and maybe some thoughts on the new fall shows as the pilots begin rolling in.

Holla back,


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