Thursday, May 25, 2006

I want my questions answered, dammit!

All of my questions answered, my ass Lost. While you answered maybe one of them (what the fuck does the button actually do?) you left a hell of a lot unanswered, and not just all the new setup stuff for next season.

First of all, why is everyone who was in that go kill people spree so stupid (minus maybe Hurley). Michael is beyond reasonable thinking anymore, and I hope Walt deliberately crashes that boat and drowns his father. Why did Jack keep it secret from the rest of the group if he was going to crack at the first sign of Michael suspecting something. And how did Sayid know that this place would be on the water and he could take the boat there? What was his plan before the sailboat conveniently sailed ashore? He must have had one if he approached Jack pre-funerals. Maybe one that kept him in close contact with Jack so he could have him and the others in case something bad happened to Jack? And why was Kate even on this mission? I know she feels she has to be on every one of these, but she had no strong personal connection with the dead like Hurley, or small physical attraction to the dead like Sawyer.

And wasn't this magnet thing foreshadowed ages ago? I know I remembered reading something about magnets in someone's theories in the past. It just didn't seem all that interesting.

I did like the new things we found out about from the hatch, like the ability to fake a lockdown or the presence of the underground, but Desmond just seemed a little to convenient for everything that was happening. Why didn't Locke just take Desmond to Pearl Station and show him the video (you know, like he said he would)? Why'd he take him down right then and there and end the button-pushing extravaganza?

Mr. Eko seemed particularity perturbed by the whole absence of button-pushing, but if he'd known about the magnets, why didn't he tell anyone? And the dynamite thing was just stupid - blast doors!

I think I liked Desmond's back story, but it didn't seem to mesh too well with the only other time we'd had him in flashback (Jack's one from the start of the season) and I felt the mood was off. I liked Libby's hair though. I didn't like her motivation, that was stupid. Why is she ... I'm just going to stop asking questions.

I'd like if some bigger, less season-specific questions were answered though. Possibly some of the polar bear or flesh eating variety. I was never really on the edge of my seat, but I was still fairly entertained. And I like that we have real names for Zeke and Clue now, but I dislike that the others are stupid enough to follow someone who got caught by the French woman. If there's one thing that doesn't make sense, it's the French person being the strongest on this island (burn on the French... OK I love the French, so it's more of a light-hearted jab).

The only other thing I didn't like was the Hanso Foundation commercial that aired during the show (there's one good things about CTV pre-empting Lost for American Idol, it meant I got to watch with US commercials). That's way too meta even for you Lost. Just stop it... stop it now. Or give me the reason why there's a polar bear on the island.

Holla back,


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