Saturday, May 27, 2006

Oh The Drama!

The people, the locations...
and the drama
are real.

Oh, Laguna Beach. It's hard not to make fun of you, but it's hard not to watch you.

If you're in the US, and you're under the age of 25 and own a TV, you've probably seen Laguna Beach and you've been inundated with it's drama for years. We in Canada though, have only been graced by Laguna's presence for about 2 or 3 months (nonetheless, they've sped up the process and we're already almost done Season 2).

After MTV debuted in March (I think it was March, I know I was busy, but I watched the premiere anyway) we were treated to lots of drama, but no one can top the drama that Laguna provides. Apparently Laguna is the highest rated show for 15-25 yo's on Friday's now, and while that scares me, it's not surprising.

One of my co-workers (Emily) rightly describes it as 'hangover TV' (she watches on Saturday afternoons) and I think that's just about sums things up. From Jessica's whining about Jason, to Alex M. and Taylor being pissed they weren't invited to a party to Kristin's sexual promiscuity to Stephen's wanting to "get it on" with just about any girl who walks by, Laguna is the definition of guilty pleasure.

Plus, it's the only show on MTV with an After Show in Canada, and as much as I hate most of the MTV Canada "VJs" (that means you Aliya-Jasmine) but I do adore
Jessi, Dan and Johnny (I'm trying to get confirmation that these are their names, but MTV Canada's site is useless. And Dan gave Jace and I are favourite new saying of the year, Totes GT's (Totally Good Times) and for that I am truly grateful.

So, I went on a really long Wikipedia spree looking for more info and links on stuff, but now it's really late so I'm gonna stop typing.

Oh, and before I forget, I watched the premier of CTV/Comedy Network's new show "Alice, I Think", which I was actually looking forward to because it sounded like a cool-ish concept and it's produced by the same people I worked for last summer. But I was SEVERELY disappointed and won't be watching again. It sort of tried to be Wonderfalls-esque, but it failed miserably. I still love you Omni, for giving me a job and making fine programs like Make Some Noise and Robson Arms, but I won't be watching this show. Sorry. Plus, you aired at the same time as my beloved After Show. So you lose... buh-bye.

Holla back,


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